Author Archives: Johnson

How To Convince A Smoker To Quit: Understand the Habit

As a non-smoker (or an ex-smoker, depending on your situation), you probably find the entire concept of smoking distasteful. That is, after all, why you may be seeking to help a smoker quit their habit for good. To you, the reasons are obvious; smoking is not only bad for a smokers’ health and appearance, but it has financial repercussions, too. It should seem like an argument you’ll win easily, especially when statistics about how half of smokers want to quit are bandied around. It looks like an […]

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How To Convince A Smoker To Quit: False Statements

While dissuading people from quitting smoking is never a good idea, when presenting the reasons as to why a smoker should quit, it is important to be factual. If someone suspects any aspect of your reality talk is not actually true, then they may doubt the things – such as the substantial health risks associated with smoking – that are actually true. Any kink in your argument armour can cast doubt on the truthfulness of your entire statement, so if you are trying to persuade someone not […]

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Smoking Mythbusting: The Realities of The Smoking Methods

When smoking is discussed, most people seem to have in mind the image of filtered cigarettes as the main item that people use to consume tobacco. For some unknown reason, other types of smoking – such as using a pipe and rolling your own cigarettes – do not attract quite the same amount of disdain as their orange-filtered cousins, when in reality all are as bad as each other. Any way of consuming tobacco, nicotine and the associated chemicals that are inhaled with every breath should be […]

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Removing The Links Will Aid Your Effort

The mental effort that it takes to give up smoking is well-known. It is certainly increased by keeping links to your recent status as a smoker – so giving up will take a little bit of a change in mentality. If, for example, you keep ashtrays lying around – even clean, unused ones which can be used by visitors – then you will be more compelled to smoke. A lot depends on how much you used to smoke. If smoking was a major part of your life […]

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Dealing With The Undesirable Consequences

We all know about the positive aspects of giving up smoking, and for the most part we know about the difficult side too. If you really want to break the hold that cigarettes have over you, you need to be ready to deal with the bad stuff. Paradoxically, though, you will do yourself no favors by considering the bad stuff ahead of the good. So how do you deal with the negative side while not turning it into a dominating issue? The truth of the matter is […]

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Making It A Little More Interesting

One of the continuing failings of humanity is that we can be appallingly cruel to one another. When you announce that you are giving up smoking, you may expect people to be supportive, but it is not uncommon to find that someone will utter the dreaded words: “I’ll bet you [unspecified amount of money] that you don’t make it through a week without cracking.”. If this is the case, then your best option is to take that bet. If you know you can do it, then there […]

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The Joy Of Stopping

When you announce that you have decided to give up cigarettes, the response of friends and family is important in deciding how successful your bid for freedom will be. If they react by gathering around and giving you praise and support for your decision, then you stand a great chance of keeping to the good road. If they show concern, saying “Are you sure? You know how hard that’s going to be?”, it’s not the best start to your bid. The key is to look at your […]

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It’s Harder If You Suffer Alone

Giving up cigarettes is a pretty thankless task at the best of times. You already know the reasons why you are trying to give up, and at times it can seem like they just aren’t enough. It’s bad for your health, but you aren’t feeling too healthy right now without them. It saves you money, but these cravings make it hard to enjoy a better bank balance. It’s much worse if you try to suffer in silence, though. Your general mood may make you feel anti-social, but […]

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Defying Temptation – Never Easy, But Worthwhile

When you are trying to break your addition to nicotine, you will find that there is always temptation waiting for you somewhere or other. It may be that you start to really crave a cigarette because you saw someone on TV smoking and they looked like they were really enjoying it. It may be that you have been hanging out with friends and some of them haven’t given up yet. It can even be something as simple as sense memory – you’re listening to an old CD […]

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The Myths About Giving Up

Stopping smoking is not easy, and it can be made harder if you make the mistake of buying into any one of a range of theories which when it comes to the crunch just don’t hold any water. Take, for example, the issue of preparing to give up. People will tell you that it is easier to quit if you wean yourself onto menthol cigarettes. Is this actually true? No, it’s not. There’s still plenty of nicotine in there, and you’re more likely to go back to […]

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