Tag Archives: help

Working to Save Your Health – One Cigarette at a Time

Attempting to quit smoking is never easy; working to reduce your intake of cigarettes as well as actually quitting fully is always a hard process. If you have tried to quit cold turkey before, you have probably experienced a large number of problems. This is one of the hardest methods to quit smoking that there really is. This can really make the process of quitting smoking so much harder than it really is. If you have struggled to quit cold turkey before, there is still help available […]

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Working the Math of Smoking

If you are trying to quit it is often necessary to really look at your overall budget to get a real reason to quit smoking. Simply trying to quit for your health sometimes is just not enough. You need to really open your eyes at times to see how much smoking really is costing you each year that you smoke. Additionally, this can also be impacted if you require a great amount of health care due to smoking related complications. However, at a minimum the costs that […]

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Why You Need to Stop Smoking for Good

With all of the negative effects that smoking has, it is amazing to see just how many people still smoke. Aside from the physical effects, there are plenty of other reasons why smoking is not such a good idea, but it is very important to actually take advantage of these reasons when you are looking for reasons to quit smoking. Simply quitting on a whim might sound nice, but it will rarely be successful and often leaves you upset and saddened that you have not achieved the […]

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Using Children to Stop Smoking Successfully

If you have attempted to quit smoking you no doubt realize just how easy it was to get started smoking compared to actually quitting. Maybe the reason you are trying to quit is to set a good example for your children. This is one reason why many parents find themselves struggling to quit. They do not want their children to grow up thinking that it is ok to smoke, and it is necessary that they quit in order to set a great example. If you find yourself […]

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The Ins and Outs of Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Most people are aware that smoking is addictive, meaning when someone attempts to quit smoking they experience physical withdrawal sensations that can be deeply unpleasant. However, it is not actually the smoke itself that is addictive, but rather a chemical contained within: namely, nicotine. It is nicotine that smokers are addicted to, and it is nicotine withdrawal that makes quitting smoking so unpleasant. To try and combat the difficulties of nicotine withdrawal, smokers are now offered a choice of nicotine replacement therapies. These therapies – referred to […]

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Smokers and Taxation: Some Things Will Never Change

For years, smokers groups have complained about one thing in their singular voice: the continued raid on cigarette duty by successive governments, which has almost doubled the cost of a packet of cigarettes over the past 20 years. With every new budget that is announced, a few cents or pennies are customarily added on to the already well-burdened smoker, and the smokers rights groups protest again. In reality, governments have nothing to fear from taxing cigarettes at astronomically high levels. Smoking is bad for health; the health […]

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Why “Cutting Back” On Cigarettes Is A Waste of Time

In the cycle of a smoker’s life, they will usually have more than one attempt at quitting. Only a small percentage – sometimes given as low as 15% – of smokers actually manage to kick the habit on their first attempt, and the norm is three to five attempts before finally managing to banish the demon cigarettes. To some, knowing the difficulty involved in quitting smoking, there is the natural conclusion that to prepare yourself you should cut down on the number of cigarettes you consume. So […]

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The Importance of Cigarette Filters

Giving advice to smokers on how best to smoke is something of an odd proposition, but it’s advice that could save lives. We all know the health and financial implications of smoking as a habit, and most non-smokers would prefer to see the habit removed from existence altogether, but the fact remains: people smoke. Therefore it is only sensible to offer advice to smokers in the hope that, while they are smoking, they are doing as little damage as possible to their health. The absolute key issue […]

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The 2 Most Successful Factors to Quit Smoking for Good

Taking the steps to decide that you want to quit smoking is a huge commitment. The dedication that is needed is absolutely essential to your success and can often be one of the only factors that will determine how successful you are. If you find that you are struggling to quit smoking you are certainly not alone, seeking out appropriate help is always key to finding success in your quest to quit smoking. Looking around at all of the excuses, reasons, purposes and methods that pertain to […]

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